10 Things to do in Morocco in 2022
I’m a Russian tourist, this is an overview of the top Things to do in Morocco in 2022. I don’t like double standards when the hotel is forbidden to serve alcohol and cook pork. While elderly German Frau sunbathing around the pool topless. I don’t like it when clone cities are built for these Frau. Their husbands, children, and grandchildren differ only in names, geographical locations on the map. And the cost of a lounger under the scorching sun. When they propose to judge the Rolex mechanism by a forgery. The whole of Russia is in the city of Sochi. The Nusa Dua reservation about the island of Bali, and in Agadir about the whole of Morocco.
They say that once the word “Agadir” meant “barn”. Apparently, the same one on the site of which in 1505 the navigator João Lopez Segeira built the misanthrope’s refuge. An impregnable fortification for himself alone. The barn turned into a fortress. Put down its stone roots throughout the lowland, reached the ocean. Having survived the glory of a shopping center. Became the main resort town of the country. Now, instead of grain, it is filled with the pale-skinned bodies of tormented tourists. Moroccans are proud of Agadir.
The pearl of modern tourism
This is how they write in the brochures, enticing the excited guests with the “atmosphere of a European resort”. Russian people are attracted by exoticism, for him often Transcarpathia is another world. But he will never solve the riddles of why Europeans fly to a European resort in Morocco. Meanwhile, Agadir is sweet in its own way.
Simply, to recover from boredom. It like any pill should be taken in combination. And so that therapy, in addition, to traces from a swimsuit on a tanned body. Also left a decent imprint in the shower. At least ten recipes for how to “get confused” without leaving the checkout.
1 – The first thing to do in Morocco is going to a bath ”Hamam”

Steamed obese women with dexterous hands and empty buckets, of course, have never heard of brooms. An ice hole, and a temperature of 90 degrees. The goddesses of beauty, sitting on the wet surface of the tiled Olympus. They perform a sacrament called Gommage, deciding how many layers of the epidermis to tear off the newly arrived Venus. Hamam is the best introduction to the Moroccan lifestyle; it is like a warm-up before an Olympic dive. Along with the amazingly smooth skin. Three main rules for the operation of the Maghreb are carried out. Relax, look at everything easier, and do not be afraid of unsanitary conditions.
Public Hammam
Of course, it is necessary to go to a real, public hammam. Perfectly built young daughters wash next to the harsh mothers. Perhaps, do not even realize that a good half of the “overseas princes”. In Morocco, they attracted by their nymphet beauty.
Next to one of these beauties, a puffy bathhouse attendant will lay a timid visitor right on the tile. Bring a couple of buckets of warm water. Vigorously smear the shy body with special liquid soap and start wielding a washcloth that looks more like fine skin. This is where the first rule starts to work – relax, baby, have fun. Not only will a rough Gommage flawlessly prepare the skin for a handsome Moroccan tan, but it will also naturally make you his board in a foreign country. And, wandering through the Moroccan medina and markets, you will look at everything around with a smile that means:
2 – Look at the stock exchange

Brokers in rubber boots tear their throats from the very early – at 8 on the stock exchange is no longer overcrowded. This is the best time to visit. Observe, laugh, cheer, and smell complete – after all, the stock exchange is fish. From the balcony of the second floor, the auction itself looks no less impressive than octopuses, moray eels, flounders, giltheads, and giant tuna, which are ready to go to restaurants and canning factories, laid out in wooden boxes.
In addition, there is a stock exchange in the port, and the Agadir port cannot be missed in any case. True, it would be nice to dress modestly and unsightly, so as not to distract serious men from serious work and not to provoke various frivolities.
3 – fall into Essaouira
Small echoes walk in the frozen coolness of the stone medina. A word accidentally dropped at sunrise wanders with a barely perceptible roar through the narrow streets, as if trying to find a way out of the walls of the old city. Just like tourists overgrown with maps, who, having lost hope of getting out. Give themselves up to the motley crowd, carrying them in their stream through the maze of winding ribbon streets.
But then in the afternoon, in the afternoon, and until the evening. In the morning, the stone world, diluted with rare lonely palm trees, is immersed in contemplative melancholy. And local residents, lonely perched on the cast-iron cannons of the fort, catch its “wave”, meditatively peering into the horizon.
The hustle and bustle of Essaouira
Surprisingly, despite the hustle and bustle, without which no Moroccan medina is inconceivable, Essaouira is incredibly intelligent. And the point is not even that it is a city of artists and musicians, where every tenth shop is a gallery or a music store, but in the attitude of the local people living in complete harmony with themselves and their city. It’s a strange thing, but it is in Essaouira, like nowhere else, that it is quite natural to feel like a part of something in common.
Wander around the medina, buy sweets, look into pretty restaurants for tea or, choosing CDs, listen to Agnau music right on the street. Watch for hours as the fattest seagulls in Africa circle over the tower of the fort, dragging offal from the hard workers-fishermen, sorting the catch right here, at the base of the tower. Cruise along the ramparts along the ocean, or polish already shiny cannons backward.
Everything is good here, because either because of the impudent seagulls, or because of the pirate past, because of the proximity of the ocean polishing the coastal rocks, or because of everything put together, but the word “Essueira”, carried in the early morning narrow streets of the stone medina, sounds like a promise of freedom.
4 – Suffering in Marrakech place is an important thing to do in Marrakech

where you will have to forget about freedom completely is in the heart of the Moroccan east. Marrakesh, like a many-legged octopus, strangles the curious with all its tentacles at the same time, but each of them in its own way. And he does it so subtly that many even like it. Somehow he lets the tourist’s head go around when he squeezes through the jumble of people, cars, and carts.
Marrakech markets
Others immobilize the limbs so that the tourist, frozen to the spot, senselessly puffs his eyes in the Marrakech markets, not understanding what he really needs from all this abundance. The third one grabs the throat, so that the half-dead tourist trudges to the next sights, panting. And so on ad infinitum, until the latter says “stop” and lets go of the situation.
To break the octopus, you need to relax. To become docile, soft, in other words, uninteresting for the octopus. There is no need to rush in Marrakech. And more importantly, set goals. Let him bring him where he does. Let what will happen. Trying to become a part of Marrakech is useless – you need to go crazy at the very least. And if so, the city is better to watch, like a movie. Detachment with great love, then the spices really smell, snake charmers, storytellers, fortune-tellers, and healers in Djemaa-El-Fna Square will cease to tire you with their oriental popularity.
5 – Eat and drink outside
As darkness falls, the steam from the open-air braziers gives Gemma El Fna a mystical and even ominous look. Hellfire casts bizarre shadows on the chefs’ faces. The silhouettes emerging from the unnatural fog seem to be weightless ghosts … The people around them cackle deafeningly and eat them by both cheeks. He’s very tasty and doesn’t care about tourist phantoms.
And since the fairy tale is ruined, the easiest way is to sit next to it and fill your belly more tightly. Sure, the tajin and couscous in the best Moroccan restaurants are divine, but street food really shouldn’t be neglected. Because shawarma and kebabs in Marrakech are juicy.
There is no greater gluttony happiness than to send “fried” sardines in the Essaouira medina into your mouth with your hands. Because the sea bastards in the local port and the port of Agadir still wiggle their mustache when spitting up, you greedily doom them to certain death. And it’s better to get covered with the worst allergic rash than to stop drinking freshly squeezed orange juice for 4 Dhs.
6 – Stand on the board

Even on the sunniest and most beautiful beaches, lying down hurts your bones. For the sake of prevention, the will of the enslaved Agadir languor should be gathered into a fist and move south or north of the city. And there, and there, under the same sun and in the same Atlantic Ocean, waves of a completely different kind live. Lovers in those who are no less thirsty for intercourse, throwing themselves into the abyss, like into bed with a loved one.
Surfers don’t live in big cities. With boards, sails, and kites, they settle closer to the object of passion – the ocean: in surfer campsites on both sides of Agadir, often in Essaweira, and most often near the town of Sidi Kaoki, where serious winds drive sandy drifts of snowy beauty along a deserted beach. There, even without riding, it’s easy to hang out for hours, watching the slippers turn into a heap of sand, and the camels slowly pace past the kite, wind, and wave surfers rushing on the horizon.
7 – Get to Ksar Massa
Pink flamingos do not in a vain fly to the Massa River for wintering, which is 60 km from Agadir. Surrounded by one of the most spectacular landscapes, they turn their heads, not knowing which coast to look at: where sand dunes turn into green fields, or where boulders give way to wild beaches with a longitudinal strip of the ocean.
There, on a hillock, a sad bachelor stands the Ksag Massa hotel, remote from the world, with the most delicious couscous and tajines in Morocco and a veranda with a view of the silence. Waves roll over the emptiness of the coast, setting the rhythm of the heartbeat, and the steps covered by the sand run down into the very core of loneliness. It has its own surf school and is not easy to get to. But if flamingos were going to cheer, they would hardly have found a better place.
8 – Spend a Night in the Riad
The best thing to do in Morocco shoes great accommodation. It is cool in the riads. Outside the perimeter, the sun is ruthlessly wielding, the lazy wind sleeps, curled up in a ball on a single cloud, and in the patio surrounded by balconies, a fountain peacefully gurgles, and rare sun hares jump from one patterned tile to another.
Riad is Arabic for home. These houses, once residential, belonging to large wealthy families, became dilapidated and clever owners were reconstructed into hotels. Small, five dashes twenty rooms in the Moroccan style, with a small courtyard in the middle. Riads are almost always located in the old city – the medina, which makes it not only “stylish” to stay there, but also convenient.
Choosing a riad is not always easy – there are more than seven hundred of them in Marrakech alone, but this is the whole interest in getting lost in the medina and unexpectedly looking into the riad of your dreams.
9 – Go Bust in Markets Hand-woven carpets.

Painted crockery, Berber jewelry, and brass teapots that bizarrely reflect reality. Spicy spices, homemade soap, colorful lamps, and embroidered grandmothers with their noses in the direction of Allah. Carved coffee tables inlaid with camel bone. Mirrors set in multi-colored stones and silver. Caskets, chests, bloomers – Moroccan markets can hit the budget.
These bitches (this is how the local markets are called) have glorified Marrakech no less than the Koutoubia mosque, but, frankly, shopping is much more pleasant to do in Essaweira or his native Agadir – he should be good for something else besides puzogreism. To bury yourself on a branch for about eight hours, and from shop to shop, wringing your hands, improve your skills, reducing the price by half, or even six times.
10 – Get lost in the desert is the most important thing to do in Morocco

Those who find the eastern fairy tale of the Maghreb seem hypertrophied for tourists should go to the desert for real sensations. Directly east of Agadir, towards Ouarzazate all the way to Zagora. here the dunes sing. in a harsh Berber settlement, women hidden in a shapeless jellaba drive men crazy with their eyes alone.
Where sitting on the crest of a sand wave, you can listen for hours as wild Tuaregs beat on tight drums with their palms, and at night it is impossible to fall asleep because you cannot help listening to the end of the sad melody of the wind. There, pictures from the film “Under the Cover of Heaven” by Bernardo Bertolucci come to life and the tourist turns into a traveler, ceasing to think about home and starting to doubt whether he will return at all.
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